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The Berwickshire Naturalists’ Club - Data Protection Policy
Purpose –The purpose of this policy is to show how the Berwickshire Naturalists’ Club will collect, store and use the personal data it holds, in order to comply with the principles of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Personal data is information that relates to identifiable living individuals
Collection of personal data – The Berwickshire Naturalists’ Club collects certain personal data on its Members. This data may comprise name, address, email address, and telephone number, in addition to subscription records. This information may be held on paper or electronically on a Council Member’s home computer. All data held by BNC in electronic form is password protected. BNC will follow procedures to ensure that Council Members who have access to any personal data held by BNC are fully aware of their duties under the GDPR.
Use of personal data - BNC will only use personal data for the purposes for which it is provided or for purposes to which subjects have consented, for example sending Newsletters or occasional notices. We do not allow third parties to access any personal data we hold.
Consent to hold personal data - With effect from 25 May 2018, BNC will only hold personal data if the subject has given express consent.
If any person does not wish BNC to hold personal data, they should inform the Membership Secretary.
Access to, deletion and correction of personal data - We will supply, on request from the subject, a copy of the personal data we hold. Should a subject discover inaccuracies in personal information, they should notify us and we will correct our records. Should a subject wish us to delete their personal data they should notify us.
In all cases above or if more information on this policy is needed we can be contacted in one of the following ways, giving name and address:
by email using the form on the contact us page on this site or write to: Berwickshire Naturalists’ Club, Ravensdowne Barracks, Berwick-upon-Tweed, TD15 1DG
Data Protection Policy Review - We keep our policy under review. This policy was last updated on 9 April 2018.
Links to other websites - Our website may occasionally contain links to other websites for which BNC do not accept any responsibility or liability. If users follow a link to any of these websites, they should check the privacy policies of those websites before submitting any personal data to them.

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             The Berwickshire Naturalists' Club
            Registered Charity No.  SCO13054

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